Why Science Says CBD Is Safe And Effective?

Science Says CBD Is Safe And Effective

As of today, many people use CBD oils as well as various CBD products to relieve pain. CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is becoming increasingly popular but still, there are various questions that arise and come to one’s mind while making use of CBD oils and products. Is CBD really safe? Is it effective? CBD benefits? and many more …

So, let’s cover this post with all the answers you need to know about CBD products and what science says about them.

Read the post till the last to get clarity! Let’s do it, right?

Where Cbd Can Be Found?

CBD is often evacuated from the Cannabis Sativa plant, mainly in the form of oil, and mixed with an inert carrier oil like hemp seed
oil for consumption. According to various studies, 60% of U.S. adults report having CBD before, but 55% of them use CBD oils and tinctures specifically. As per Forbes Health Survey, 2,000 U.S. adults have been conducted by OnePoll.

However, CBD research is further going. Here are the reasons why science says CBD is really safe and effective which proves CBD could benefit your health.

1. Reduce PTSD Symptoms

In a small study of 2018 in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 11 people who were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been given CBD along with routine psychiatric care for eight consecutive weeks in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Ten out of the 11 experienced a decrease in their PTSD symptoms. CBD was often well tolerated, the researchers write.

A doctor of nursing practice named Margaret Rajnic, experienced in medical cannabis and CBD, highlights the importance of using therapy in tandem with any type of cannabis or CBD for PTSD. She says “there is an amount of therapy needed to treat PTSD but CBD benefits with that little bit of decreased anxiety.”

2. Relieve Unmanageable Pain

In the year 2005, Canada approved the use of Sativex which is an oromucosal (absorbed in the lining of the mouth) spray with an equal amount of THC and CBD, for the treatment of many sclerosis-related central neuropathic pain. In the year 2007, Canada again approved the use of medicine for cancer pain which proved unresponsive to other medications.

However, studies continued in the U.S., indicating that CBD is effective in treating chronic, non-cancer pain. Thereafter, in one 2020 study, researchers conducted CBD topically to a group of patients with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy (a result of brain nerve and spinal cord nerve damage) whereas another group with the same condition got a placebo. Results revealed a noticeable reduction in intense, sharp pain and cold & itchy sensations in those people who used the topical CBD compared to those who received and used the placebo. None of the participants adverse any negative or side effects.

3. Cancel Out Anxiety and Depression

The most popular effect of CBD is its ability to calm and the reason is that its use is so widespread. A study in 2017 in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry tested the anxiety levels of 57 men in an imitated public speaking test. Some got a placebo while others got either 150 milligrams, 300 milligrams, or 600 milligrams of CBD. Those who used 300 milligrams of CBD experienced a noticeable reduction in anxiety during the test compared to those who used the placebo. Shockingly, participants who used either 150 or 600 milligrams of CBD experienced even more anxiety as compared to the 300 milligrams group.

In conclusion, as per this study, CBD had effects similar to the antidepressant imipramine. It also suggested that human trials are needed, though, to confirm whether CBD can induce this same antidepressant reaction in our bodies.

4. Protect Against Neurological Disease

According to clinical and preclinical studies, CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These characteristics can provide significant neuroprotection or protection against numerous pathological disorders as per the conclusion of researchers. As per the suggestion of various preclinical studies, CBD can produce beneficial effects against Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Neurological Disease

Also, Huntington’s disease and cerebral ischemia were tested, despite the fact, significant positive results were not recorded. Therefore, further clinical studies are needed to confirm CBD’s benefits when used as an aid to cure these disorders.

Can CBD Treat Epileptic Disorders?

In some detail, CBD can be used to treat and deal with epileptic seizures. In the year 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted the use of CBD under the brand name Epidiolex to treat illness resulting from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome—two common forms of epilepsy—in patients At least 2 years old.

Three accomplished studies provide the support basis for the FDA’s decision. In these tryouts, 516 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome received either Epidiolex or a placebo. Epidiolex, when used along with other prescribed medications reduced the frequency of participants’ seizures as compared to the placebo.

CBD Can Often Treat Diabetic Problems

Tests on human cells revealed that CBD helps to reduce the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body for starters, which typically anticipates the development of diabetes and various complications/problems in the body. Researchers deduced that with further studies, CBD could really have magnificent benefits when used for patients with diabetes, diabetic problems, and plaque buildup in artery walls.

Further, in another small study, 13 persons with type 2 diabetes who were not insulin treatment were given both CBD and a placebo (in place of insulin). Researchers found that CBD decreased the levels of resistin (which causes resistance to insulin, the protein that regulates sugar levels) in them and increased the levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (a hormone that ensures enough release of insulin from digested food) as compared to their baselines before the test was started. These results conclude that CBD could be a natural and helpful treatment for diabetes patients by helping their bodies adjust insulin-related hormone levels.

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